Working MLFlow models

omega-ml provides a single, unified API and leverages the mlflow model format to form a cloud-agnostic runtime platform for both model building and serving.

Using mlflow saved models

In mlflow, models are saved using a model-specific API:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

model = LinearRegression()
model_path = './models'
mlflow.sklearn.save_model(model, model_path)

Given such a mlflow saved model, we can store the model in omega-ml and get it back as follows:

In [1]: # use the same model_path as in mlflow's save_model
        om.models.put(model_path, 'mymodel')
        # get back the model
        mymodel = om.models.get('mymodel')

Using a MLModel file

When saving a model, mlflow creates a file called MLModel. omega-ml can also store this file directly:

In [1]: # use the same model_path as in mlflow's save_model
        om.models.put('mlflow:///path/to/MLModel', 'mymodel')
        # get back the model
        mymodel = om.models.get('mymodel')

Using a mlflow Model or PythonModel

omega-ml can also be used inside mlflow projects to store a model directly, without saving the model to a file first. This is useful if you like to use a mlflow model flavor that omega-ml does not support natively.

# inside a mlflow project script
model = LinearRegression()
meta = om.models.put(model, 'mymodel', kind='mlflow.model')

Serving mlflow model runs

If you use the tracking features of mlflow, omegaml can directly serve models from mlflow. This is useful if you use mlflow locally or in development, and use omega-ml for easy model deployment to production, or if you need to use a model flavor that omega-ml does not support natively.

with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    model = LinearRegression()
    X = pd.Series(range(0, 10))
    Y = pd.Series(X) * 2 + 3, reshaped(Y))

om =
# store with just the model path, specify the kind because paths can be other files too
meta = om.models.put('mlflow+models://sklearn-model/1', 'sklearn-model')

Model frameworks supported via mlflow

The following mlflow model flavors can be stored in omega-ml. A full list of model flavors supported by mlflow can be found at mlflow_flavors

  • Python

  • Keras

  • MLeap

  • PyTorch

  • Scikit-learn

  • Spark MLLib

  • Tensorflow

  • XGBoost

  • LightGBM

  • FastAI

  • SpaCy

  • Statsmodels

Disclaimer and License

mlflow is not part of, distributed by or along of omega-the. The above describes API-binding interfaces to mlflow, but does not itself constitute a derivative work of mlflow as per the mlflow_license.