MLOps for humans

for humans means omega-ml solves the hard parts in model deployment, so you don’t have to waste time building complex infrastructure.


omega-ml is built on four simple concepts:

  • OmegaStore - a place to store and access data, models, notebooks, scripts in a simple, unified manner. The storage is available pre-configured as om.datasets, om.models,, om.scripts respectively. It provides a built-in storage using MongoDB but can interface with any SQL database or Blob storage, thus act as a virtual data layer.

  • OmegaRuntime - a unified API to local and scalable distributed compute resources available to run models, scripts and notebooks. The runtime is available as om.runtime and via the omega-ml REST API. Independent of the model framework or the cloud platform, the API is always the same, simplifying system integration. The runtime can be run locally, in any cloud, in VMs, in docker or in Kubernetes.

  • Metadata - all the metadata that describes other objects and the activities in the runtime. Each object is assigned a unique kind that links it to a plugin

  • Plugins - A straight-forward plugin system ties in with all of the above. It is leveraging each object’s kind to inform plugin selection and task delegation. Plugins make omega-ml extensible to any framework and platform.

Many of the common ML model frameworks are supported, either using a built-in plugin by omega-ml or using any Python-based flavor provided by mlflow. The built-in plugins are scikit-learn, keras, tensorflow and mlflow (custom plugins are possible, e.g. for PyTorch models).


# store Pandas Series and DataFrames or any Python object
om.datasets.put(df, 'stats')
om.datasets.get('stats', sales__gte=100)

# store and get models
clf = LogisticRegression()
om.models.put(clf, 'forecast')
clf = om.models.get('forecast')

# run and scale models directly on the integrated Python or Spark compute cluster
om.runtime.model('forecast').fit('stats[^sales]', 'stats[sales]')
om.runtime.model('forecast').gridsearch(X, Y)

# use the REST API to store and retrieve data, run predictions
requests.put('/v1/dataset/stats', json={...})
requests.put('/v1/model/forecast', json={...})

Technology stack

omega-ml leverages a well known open-source technology stack:

  • Python - Python provides the most versatile programming environment for datascience and machine learning tasks

  • MongoDB - a scalable, high-performance and distributed database system, it provides straight forward storage models for any kind of data and is easy to run locally and in the cloud

  • RabbitMQ - a scalable communication layer that is well supported by Python’s Celery distributed task framework, and is also easy to run locally and in the cloud.

In addition, omega-ml integrates with R and any SQL database and BLOB filesystem that provides bindings with Python. This includes MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Azure BLOB, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and many others.

Key MLOps task

Deploy machine learning models in a single line of code

Given your model, say as follows, a single line of code is all it takes to deploy the model to the cloud and make it instantly available as a REST API.

# fit your model locally
clf = LogisticRegression(), Y)
# deploy the model, instantly available as a REST API
om.models.put(clf, 'mymodel')

Instantly run predictions using the built-in REST API

# every model is instantly available as a REST API
$ om runtime serve
$ curl -X POST http://hostname/api/v1/model/mymodel/predict?data=X

Track model metrics

# track metrics from a local experiment
with om.runtime.experiment('myexp') as exp:
    accuracy = ...
    exp.log_metric('accuracy', accuracy)

# track metrics from an experiment run in the cloud
with om.runtime.experiment('myexp') as exp:
    om.runtime.model('mymodel').score('X', 'Y')[['dt', 'event', 'key', 'value']]
=> tracks events, metrics across runs and steps
                           dt         event                          key                                              value
0  2022-02-26T15:51:08.976228         start                          NaN                                                NaN
1  2022-02-26T15:51:09.059323        system                       system  {'platform': {'system': 'Linux', 'node': 'eowy...
2  2022-02-26T15:51:09.081621     task_call    omegaml.tasks.omega_score  {'args': ['mymodel', '_temp_37c577cdb5fe44dbb7...
3  2022-02-26T15:51:09.190159      artifact                      related  {'name': 'related', 'data': '{"_id": {"$oid": ...
4  2022-02-26T15:51:09.287205        metric                        score                                               0.96
5  2022-02-26T15:51:09.305667  task_success    omegaml.tasks.omega_score  {'result': 0.96, 'task_id': '9c252aeb-6826-474...

Tasks to improve MLOps maturity

Keep models versioned

Models are versioned automatically. Using tags it is easy to access one or the other model.

[('186504c5a32364513e6b5a31b651e3d1da6ba449', ''),
 ('c542d0fb4bd862541465d051b6c66d4e33df648a', ['testing']),
 ('ce2afa4cbea7bb59e7da293c90fa2179caf00ed7', ['latest', 'production'])]

# use a specific version
GET http://hostname/api/v1/model/mymodel#testing/predict?data=X

Easily separate dev, test and production

omega-ml provides easy to use namespaces.

# option 1 - store datasets and models in different paths
om.datasets.put(df, 'dev/mydata')
om.datasets.put(df, 'prod/mydata')
om.models.put(clf, 'prod/mymodel')
om.datasets.put(df, 'prod/mydata')

# option 2 - use a separate namespace, i.e. bucket
om_dev = om['dev']
om.datasets.put(df, 'mydata')
om.models.put(clf, 'mymodel')

# option 3 - use different omega-ml instances
om_dev = Omega(...)
om_prod = Omega(...)

Promote objects from dev to test to production

Object promotion from one namespace to another is straight forward:

# using paths-based namespacing
om.datasets.promote('dev/mydata', om.datasets, asname='prod/mydata')
om.models.promote('dev/mymodel', om.datasets, asname='prod/mymodel')

# using proper namespaces
om_dev = om['dev']
om_prod = om['prod']
om_dev.datasets.promote('mydata', om_prod.datasets)
om_dev.models.promote('mymodel', om_prod.models)

# using different instances
om_dev = Omega(...)
om_prod = Omega(...)
om_dev.datasets.promote('mydata', om_prod.datasets)
om_dev.models.promote('mymodel', om_prod.models)

Leverage scalable cloud resources

Store training data for access from local or cloud VMs

Data is accessed by any given name, using the built-in Metadata and a corresponding plugin. This works for any data, even on a remote URL like http, S3, Azure Blob, Google, or in a database like Snowflake, Postgresql, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server.

# store any data
om.datasets.put(df, 'mydataframe')
om.datasets.put('mysql://{user}:{password}@{account}'/, 'mysqldb')
om.datasets.put('snowflake://{user}:{password}@{account}'/, 'snowflake')
om.datasets.put('' 'csvdata')

# retrieve data
om.datasets.get('mysqldb', sql='select * from ...')
om.datasets.get('snowflake', sql='select * from ...')
=> pd.DataFrame(...)

Train models locally and on cloud VMs

# train locally
om.runtime.mode(local=True).model('mymodel').fit('X', 'Y')

# train on CPU
om.runtime.require('cpu').model('mymodel').fit('X', 'Y')

# train on GPU
om.runtime.require('gpu').model('mymodel').fit('X', 'Y')

Check model CPU & memory requirements

# upon deployment
with om.runtime.experiment('myexp', provider='profiling') as exp:
    om.runtime.model('mymodel').score('X', 'Y')

Scaling data pipelines

Process larger-than memory dataframes

def transform(df):
    df['trx_week'] = df['transaction_dt'].dt.week
    df['trx_year'] = df['transaction_dt'].dt.year

mdf = om.datasets.getl('adataframe')

Process large chunks of data using notebooks

# run the myjob notebook 10 times
results = job = om.runtime.job('myjob').map(range(10))

#myjob is a notebook processing some chunk e.g. like this
# -- (param = i in range)
data = om.datasets.get('mydata', group_id=job['param'])
results = data.groupby('customer_group').size()
om.datasets.put(results, 'results')

Run pipelines and models in parallel

# other primitives are parallel(), sequence(), mapreduce()
with om.runtime.parallel() as crt:
    results =

Production & Governance use cases

Provide a REST API to notebooks, scripts, datasets and apps

$ om scripts put ./path/to/myscript/ myscript
=> GET /api/v1/scripts/myscript/run

$ om scripts put ./path/to/notebook.ipynb mynb
=> GET /api/v1/jobs/mynb/run

# omega-ml commercial edition
$ om scripts put ./path/to/myflaskapp/ apps/myflaskapp
=> GET /api/v1/apphub/myflaskapp

Track model performance in production

# attach model tracking
exp = om.runtime.experiment('myexp')

# all prediction calls to the model's REST API will be tracked (input & output)[['dt', 'event', 'key', 'value']]
6  2021-11-26T15:51:09.458678  ...  {'args': ['mymodel', '_temp_d6fa4e0c6dc948d58b...
7  2021-11-26T15:51:09.546344  ...  {'name': 'related', 'data': '{"_id": {"$oid": ...
8  2021-11-26T15:51:09.624448  ...  {'result': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0..

Track all objects in built-in model, data and artefact repositories

omega-ml provides built-in repositories for models, data, scripts, notebooks and streams. Each object stored is tracked by Metadata entry that is customizable to your needs.
