Using the command-line interface¶
Open your command line shell to run commands:
$ om
Usage: om <command> [<action>] [<args>...] [options]
om (models|datasets|scripts|jobs) [<args>...] [--replace] [--csv...] [options]
om runtime [<args>...] [--async] [--result] [--param] [options]
om cloud [<args>...] [options]
om shell [<args>...] [options]
om help [<command>]
Similar in structure to the Python API the command-line interface provides access to the
storages - access datasets, models, scripts, jobs
runtime - interact with the omega-ml runtime
cloud - managed service configuration and access
shell - the Python shell with omegaml initialized
See the respective section in this guide to learn more about the various commands.
Getting help¶
The cli provides built-in help
$ om help
Usage: om <command> [<action>] [<args>...] [options]
om (models|datasets|scripts|jobs) [<args>...] [--replace] [--csv...] [options]
om runtime [<args>...] [--async] [--result] [--param] [options]
om cloud [<args>...] [options]
om shell [<args>...] [options]
om help [<command>]
Usage of datasets
om datasets list [<pattern>] [--raw] [-E|--regexp] [options]
om datasets put <path> <name> [--replace] [--csv=<param=value>]... [options]
om datasets get <name> <path> [--csv <param>=<value>]... [options]
om datasets drop <name> [--force] [options]
om datasets metadata <name> [options]
Usage of models
om models list [<pattern>] [--raw] [-E|--regexp] [options]
om models put <module.callable> <name>
om models drop <name>
om models metadata <name>
Usage of runtime
om runtime model <name> <model-action> [<X>] [<Y>] [--result=<output-name>] [--param=<kw=value>]... [--async] [options]
om runtime script <name> [<script-action>] [<kw=value>...] [--async] [options]
om runtime job <name> [<job-action>] [<args...>] [--async] [options]
om runtime result <taskid> [options]
om runtime ping [options]
om runtime env <action> [<package>] [--file <requirements.txt>] [--every] [options]
om runtime log [-f] [options]
om runtime status [workers|labels|stats] [options]
om runtime restart app <name> [options]
om runtime [control|inspect|celery] [<celery-command>...] [--worker=<worker>] [--queue=<queue>] [--celery-help] [--flags <celery-flags>...] [options]
Usage of scripts
om scripts list [<pattern>] [--raw] [--hidden] [-E|--regexp] [options]
om scripts put <path> <name> [options]
om scripts get <name>
om scripts drop <name> [options]
om scripts metadata <name>
Usage of jobs
om jobs list [<pattern>] [--raw] [options]
om jobs put <path> <name> [options]
om jobs get <name> <path> [options]
om jobs drop <name>
om jobs metadata <name> [options]
om jobs schedule <name> [show|delete|<interval>] [options]
om jobs status <name>
Usage of cloud
om cloud login [<userid>] [<apikey>] [options]
om cloud config [show] [options]
om cloud (add|update|remove) <kind> [--specs <specs>] [options]
om cloud status [runtime|pods|nodes|storage] [options]
om cloud log <pod> [--since <time>] [options]
om cloud metrics [<metric_name>] [--since <time>] [--start <start>] [--end <end>] [--step <step>] [--plot] [options]
Usage of shell
om shell [<command>] [options]
-h, --help Show this screen
--version Show version.
--loglevel=LEVEL INFO,ERROR,DEBUG [default: INFO]
--copyright Show copyright
--config=CONFIG configuration file
--bucket=BUCKET the bucket to use
--local-runtime use local runtime
-q, --noinput don't ask for user input, assume yes
-E treat patterns as regular expressions
Options for datasets
--raw return metadata
Options for runtime
--async don't wait for results, will print taskid
-f tail log
--require=VALUE worker label
--flags=VALUE celery flags, list as "--flag VALUE"
--worker=VALUE celery worker
--queue=VALUE celery queue
--celery-help show celery help
--file=VALUE path/to/requirements.txt
--local if specified the task will run locally. Use this for testing
--every if specified runs task on all workers
Options for cloud
--userid=USERID the userid at (see account profile)
--apikey=APIKEY the apikey at (see account profile)
--apiurl=URL the cloud URL [default:]
--count=NUMBER how many instances to set up [default: 1]
--node-type=TYPE the type of node [default: small]
--specs=SPECS the service specifications as "key=value[,...]"
--since=TIME recent log time, defaults to 5m (5 minutes)
--start=DATETIME start datetime of range query
--end=DATETIME end datetime of range query
--step=UNIT step in seconds or duration unit (s=seconds, m=minutes)
--plot if specified use plotext library to plot (preliminary)
Options for scripts
--hidden list hidden entries
Options for jobs
--cron <spec> the cron spec, use
--weekday <wday> a day number 0-6 (0=Sunday)
--monthday <mday> a day of the month 1-31
--month <month> a month number 1-12
--at <hh:mm> the time (same as --hour hh --minute mm)
--hour <hour> the hour 0-23
--minute <minute> the minute 0-59
--next <n> show next n triggers according to interval
Working with datasets
For csv files, put and get accept the --csv option multiple times.
The <param>=<value> pairs will be used as kwargs to pd.read_csv (on put)
and df.to_csv methods (on get)
Working with models
Work with models
Working with runtime
model, job and script commands
<model-action> can be any valid model action like fit, predict, score,
transform, decision_function etc.
<script-action> defaults to run
<job-action> defaults to run
om runtime model <name> fit <X> <Y>
om runtime model <name> predict <X>
om runtime job <name>
om runtime script <name>
om runtime script <name> run myparam="value"
running asynchronously
model, job, script commands accept the --async paramter. This will submit
the a task and return the task id. To wait for and get the result run use
the result command
om runtime model <name> fit <X> <Y> --async
=> <task id>
om runtime result <task id>
=> result of the task
restart app
This will restart the app on omegaml apphub. Requires a login to omegaml cloud.
Prints workers, labels, list of active tasks per worker, count of tasks
om runtime status # defaults to workers
om runtime status workers
om runtime status labels
om runtime status stats
celery commands
This is the same as calling celery -A omegaml.celeryapp <commands>. Command
commands include:
inspect active show currently running tasks
inspect active_queues show active queues for each worker
inspect stats show stats of each worker, including pool size (processes)
inspect ping confirm that worker is connected
control pool_shrink N shrink worker pool by N, specify 99 to remove all
control pool_grow N grow worker poool by N
control shutdown stop and restart the worker
om runtime celery inspect active
om runtime celery control pool_grow N
env commands
This talks to an omegaml worker's pip environment
a) install a specific package
env install <package> install the specified package, use name==version pip syntax for specific versions
env uninstall <package> uninstall the specified package
<package> is in pip install syntax, e.g.
env install "six==1.0.0"
env install "git+"
b) use a requirements file
env install --file requirements.txt
env uninstall --file requirements.txt
c) list currently installed packages
env freeze
env list
d) install on all or a specific worker
env install --require gpu package
env install --every package
By default the installation runs on the default worker only. If there are multiple nodes where you
want to install the package(s) worker nodes, be sure to specify --every
om runtime env install pandas
om runtime env uninstall pandas
om runtime env install --file requirements.txt
om runtime env install --file gpu-requirements.txt --require gpu
om runtime env install --file requirements.txt --every
Working with cloud
om cloud is available for the omega-ml managed service at
Logging in
$ om cloud login <userid> <apikey>
Showing the configuration
$ om cloud config
Building a cluster
Set up a cluster
$ om cloud add nodepool --specs "node-type=<node-type>,role=worker,size=1"
$ om cloud add runtime --specs "role=worker,label=worker,size=1"
Switch nodes on and off
$ om cloud update worker --specs "node-name=<name>,scale=0" # off
$ om cloud update worker --specs "node-name=<name>,scale=1" # on
Using Metrics
The following metrics are available
* node-cpu-usage node cpu usage in percent
* node-memory-usage node memory usage in percent
* node-disk-uage node disk usage in percent
* pod-cpu-usage pod cpu usage in percent
* pod-memory-usage pod memory usage in bytes
Get the specific metrics as follows, e.g.
$ om cloud metrics node-cpu-usage
$ om cloud metrics pod-cpu-usage --since 30m
$ om cloud metrics pod-memory-usage --start 20dec2020T0100 --end20dec2020T0800
Working with scripts
Work with scripts
Working with jobs
Specify the schedule either as
* a natural language-like text, with any time components separated
by comma
om jobs schedule myjob "every 5 minutes, on fridays, in april"
om jobs schedule myjob "at 6:00, on fridays"
om jobs schedule myjob "at 6:00/10:00, on fridays"
om jobs schedule myjob "every 2nd hour, every 15 minutes, weekdays"
Working with shell
Without a command will start an IPython shell with omega-ml ready to use
$ om shell
=> { ... }
By passing a command, run arbitrary Python code
$ om shell ""