Using pip-installable modules

omega-ml supports execution of arbitrary modules packaged by pip on the runtime cluster. This is the equivalent of `serverless functions`_ with the bonus of having the full set of omega-ml capabilities available to your modules.

Writing a pip-installable Module

Creating a pip-installable Module is straight forward:

  1. write your code

  2. add

  3. use om.scripts.put() to deploy the package

To make your code executable through the REST API or in om.runtime.script your code’s top-level package must contain a run() method:

def run(om, *args, **kwargs):

The om argument is the omega instance. Inside a lambda module you should always use this instance instead of importing omegaml explicitely. This is to ensure the instance is properly initialized.

kwargs will contain the key/value pair passed to the module on execution.

The simplest is as simple as follows:

from distutils.core import setup
setup(name='helloworld', version='1.0',
      description='simple omegaml hello world script', author='omegaml',
      author_email='', url='',

Deploying a module

To deploy a script programmatically use om.scripts.put().

# the pkg:// prefix triggers the python.package plugin
om.scripts.put('pkg://path/to/helloworld`, 'helloworld')

Alternatively use the cli to achieve the same:

$ om scripts put ./path/to/helloworld helloworld

This will build the package and store it in omega-ml. It is automatically available for execution using the REST API or om.runtime.script().

Learning more about pip and setuptools

While the above provides a concise introduction to wrinting pip-installable modules, this can be a complex topic. More information can be found at the following locations:

Official tutorials

Community guides

Executing a module

Using the REST API

Use the /api/script/ REST API to execute a module:

POST /api/script/hellworld/?param=value
    'script': 'helloworld'
    'kwargs': { 'param': value },
    'result': <result>,
    'runtime': <microseconds>,
    'started': 'datetime in iso 8601 format',

Using the runtime API

Use the om.runtime.script(<name>) API to run a module on the cluster:

result = om.runtime.script('helloworld').run(foo='bar')
    'script': 'helloworld'
    'kwargs': { 'foo': 'bar' },
    'result': <result>,
    'runtime': <microseconds>,
    'started': 'datetime in iso 8601 format',