
Before we go in to the technical details of each type of backend we need to understand how omega|ml keeps track of the objects it stores. For every object stored in omegaml, OmegaStore creates a Metadata object.

A Metadata object is returned to the caller on every call to om.datasets.put, om.models.put and

om.datasets.put(df, 'sample')
<Metadata: Metadata(bucket=omegaml,id=59ce7013de39d13d02419bb1,
kind_meta={'columns': [['_idx_0', '_idx_0'], ['x', 'x'], ['y', 'y']],
'idx_meta': {'names': [None]}},gridfile=<GridFSProxy: (no file)>,
created=2017-09-29 16:08:51.042000,name=sample)>

Metadata in combination with customizable backends are a key component to omegaml’s flexibility as it enables the storage of arbitrary objects.

Each object is assigned a Metadata.kind, a unique string that identifies the object type. On retrieving (get) it is this value that provides the lookup in defaults.OMEGA_STORE_BACKENDS for the specific backend implementation to handle this object type.

# code snippet from OmegaStore
def get_backend(...):
  backend_cls = load_class(self.defaults.OMEGA_STORE_BACKENDS.get(meta.kind))
  if backend_cls:
      backend = backend_cls(**kwargs)
      return backend

On storing an object (put) it is the backend’s supports method that identifies whether the backend can deal with the object type.

# in some class FooDataBackend(BaseDataBackend) or FooModelBackend(BaseModelBackend)
def supports(self, obj, name, **kwargs):
   # check if obj with given name and kwargs is supported
   check = ...
   return check