Storing and retrieving data

om.datasets. provides two simple APIs to store and retrieve data:

  • om.datasets.put(object, 'name')

  • om.datasets.get('name')

Native Python objects

Any Python native list or dict object can be stored and read back directly:

myvar = ['data']
om.datasets.put(myvar, 'foo')
data = om.datasets.get('foo')

Note the result is now a list of the objects stored. This is because any object is stored as a document in a monogodb collection. What you get back is a list of all the documents in the collection. By default put will append an existing collection with new documents.

om.datasets.put(myvar, 'foo')
om.datasets.put(myvar, 'foo')
data = om.datasets.get('foo')
[['data'], ['data'], ['data']]

To replace all documents in a collection use the append=False kwarg.

myvar = ['data']
om.datasets.put(myvar, 'foo', append=False)
data = om.datasets.get('foo')

Pandas DataFrames, Series

Pandas Dataframes are stored in much the same way. Note however that DataFrames provide additional support on querying, as shown in the next section

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(10)})
om.datasets.put(df, 'foodf', append=False)
0  0
1  1
2  2
3  3
4  4
5  5
6  6
7  7
8  8
9  9