Release notes release/0.6 ========================= Released 2018-04-10 Changes ~~~~~~~ - Merge pull request #59 from miraculixx/patrick/enable-qualifer-access `ded29b7 `__ - add management command to authorize a user `7f20e68 `__ - enable qualifier access to other users’ databases `30148c7 `__ - Merge pull request #54 from miraculixx/patrick/update-ghpages `4037256 `__ - Merge pull request #58 from miraculixx/patrick/add-remote-deploy `634124d `__ - add source-to-packaged code deploy update docs & tests, simplify custom backend and mixin configuration `d507f88 `__ - Merge pull request #57 from miraculixx/patrick/enable-jupyterhub `a4bf84d `__ - Merge pull request #56 from miraculixx/patrick/enable-gridsearch `4e9db40 `__ - cleanup `4df0a02 `__ - enable jupyter hub instead of custom nb launcher `aa4d7df `__ - add automated gridsearch logging `2a0b506 `__ - enable content manager to setup omega in jupyterhub and locally `9315f58 `__ - enable admin users to query arbitrary users config `18a46f6 `__ - add automated gridsearch logging `061094b `__ - Merge pull request #55 from miraculixx/patrick/remote-deploy-fixes `f60b1ee `__ - Merge pull request #53 from miraculixx/patrick/fix-missing-tests `0b19542 `__ - enable files to be found in whitenoise staticfiles `6aa0bd3 `__ - use cryptic database names `0427dab `__ - Merge pull request #52 from miraculixx/patrick/add-minibatch `755af77 `__ - Merge pull request #51 from miraculixx/patrick/fix-releasebuild `e908048 `__ - gh pages setup `b860580 `__ - add mailgun configuration `ba07e9a `__ - cleanup `e19fdf3 `__ - add decision_function and score tests `0b6602e `__ - update api user identification `694048c `__ - cleanup js libs `a71a53c `__ - add missing js `0c96fbe `__ - update task names `f3d1983 `__ - add missing js libs `16afcad `__ - add remote deploy `5d31e2a `__ - update minibatch, working version `4302902 `__ - new approach to minibatch `f5ce3ed `__ - update minibatch, working version `cb89f5d `__ - new approach to minibatch `7f681aa `__ - add basic package functionality `745f734 `__ - add missing release files `85d8e77 `__ - Merge pull request #49 from miraculixx/patrick/add-ci `686dbf3 `__ - ensure correct authentication database is used `30ebf54 `__ - update and fix authentication on tests `07b0c1e `__ - update `3ca56c4 `__ - update shippable `7fbd5cf `__ - add extra tests for and fix sort order on chuncked inserts / gets `8d5b584 `__ - update shippable `7f7c9e7 `__ - Merge pull request #48 from miraculixx/patrick/release-scripting-2 `7ddda46 `__ - update admin docs `c1db2c2 `__ - finalize release scripting `819aa06 `__ - setup branding in docs `0f48c46 `__ - add tests, fix issues `df495ec `__ - update docs `666eaf4 `__ - update distrelease `a5d753f `__ - update gitignore `1a2a6e5 `__ - update requirements `cffc28c `__ - add development guide, improve related documentation `e699da2 `__ - enable model mixins `1db6019 `__ - update docs `4c42b89 `__ - add configuration docs `2eadab7 `__ - Merge pull request #46 from miraculixx/patrick/virtual-datasets `c6bf9e2 `__ - Merge pull request #45 from miraculixx/patrick/restapi-docs `8363586 `__ - add pandas external datasets `b592828 `__ - enable store mixins, rename of options to common scheme `d98ef27 `__ - add ccbackend dependency `d838a3d `__ - update documentation `6d82c79 `__ - add rest api docs `3f285d7 `__ - Merge pull request #44 from miraculixx/patrick/table-viewer `6826b22 `__ - Merge pull request #34 from miraculixx/patrick/dask-runtime `b7983e3 `__ - add dataset viewer `eb79303 `__ - temporarily switch off daskruntime tests `304d24f `__ - update documentation `6a4d2a6 `__ - several stability fixes `3f7cdf9 `__ - enable creation of job scripts from arbitrary code strings `feb1f87 `__ - add the dask distributed runtime `e9c6a8c `__ - Merge pull request #33 from miraculixx/patrick/check-jobsapi `7d077f2 `__ - add jobs documentation `f21db81 `__ - update jobs api to run jobs on cluster and export html `688186f `__ - export jobs to html `de93a39 `__ - Merge pull request #28 from miraculixx/patrick/generalize-backends `c0aba62 `__ - support extensible backends `51dc687 `__ - Merge pull request #26 from miraculixx/patrick/webapp `5358b2f `__ - Merge pull request #25 from miraculixx/patrick/release-scripting `03d1b30 `__ - update ui, refactor a few things `34436cb `__ - clean up imports `0b490e3 `__ - update `c70f621 `__ - update web app `848c859 `__ - update release scripts `3ef3743 `__ - add release scripting `ca74b6a `__ - Merge pull request #24 from miraculixx/patrick/migrate-py3 `da9883e `__ - improve insertion performance by using multiprocessing `3a209e5 `__ - update `b29007d `__ - buildpack fix `4c61cf8 `__ - update `84028f5 `__ - python 3.6 migration `0def8aa `__ - add new runtime authentication `bc18cbb `__ - Merge pull request #23 from miraculixx/patrick/migrate-py3 `8950091 `__ - finish first release of documentation. `4d7a1ec `__ - add more docs `001facf `__ - more documentation, scheduler quick fix `90bee23 `__ - added first set of reference docs `2ef677c `__ - add programming guide `fae6a4f `__ - improve documentation `bddfaf1 `__ - add basic guide docs `7107f1b `__ - update to cleaned REST API `a9ece54 `__ - further fixes to support py3 `8028d11 `__ - Merge pull request #17 from miraculixx/patrick/add-pagination `1b1ad9f `__ - Merge pull request #10 from miraculixx/patrick/webapp-setup `6f74db1 `__ - add redoc api documentation `007658b `__ - enable REST model api `b459a9b `__ - enable user specific remote execution, bug fixing `e11e039 `__ - doc extension `8afaceb `__ - updates for deployment `b7a290e `__ - implement several performance improvements `d51b58f `__ - add constance, mongohost dynamic settings `7105974 `__ - update `7332dc2 `__ - updates `8fb2926 `__ - updates `e206973 `__ - updates `f7f8b25 `__ - update `75e1aa1 `__ - updates `8bc736e `__ - updates `5a0189c `__ - updates `f5abfe9 `__ - update config `bb97864 `__ - updates `c593b0d `__ - update requirements for deployment `58ffca1 `__ - add buildpack `ac22f6e `__ - update for deployment `e730248 `__ - store config in appropriate format `8f74fa1 `__ - add complete signup and config `99d1d97 `__ - add client config api `83feb40 `__ - add user specific mongodb creation `b405e8d `__ - config for orders and payments `57b1dd4 `__ - update `f36a9d4 `__ - setup webapp `a82c73e `__ - Merge pull request #9 from miraculixx/patrick/client-configuration `65a9846 `__ - updates `d2a9316 `__ - support basic filter on get `19f80da `__ - complete api tests `5620fe6 `__ - add api tests `f813c04 `__ - add resource tests `41e9868 `__ - updates `ee8d89b `__ - updates doc `e654ae1 `__ - updates `b2dacbd `__ - Merge pull request #1 from miraculixx/patrick-migrate-conda `382c301 `__ - add shippable build `b13abe0 `__ - migrate to conda installer `0262ab4 `__ Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - fix docker build `c0e1e6c `__ - fix shippable particularity for test output `36a8958 `__ - fix shippable tests `13ec315 `__ - fix tests `a81eefd `__ - fix erronous test on decision function `cac88bd `__ - fix complex username signup py3 `92ff291 `__ - fix py2/py3 compatibility `821bb75 `__ - fix remaining tests `e43c02b `__ - fix issues `707b55e `__ - fix warnings `8375572 `__ - fix packaging `ad37a78 `__ - fix release builds `a0143d5 `__ - fix python3 urllib `7111771 `__ - fix issues `59d26ea `__ - fix default auth issue `667318d `__ - fixed celeryapp configuration `7fbf557 `__ - fix compatibility with py3 `5267a23 `__ - fixes for py3 migration `2a14f89 `__ - fix circleci build `a73d6bd `__ - fix database connection losing authentication, cleanup `993415e `__ - fix bug that kept accumulating data in the database throughout tests `2924458 `__ - fix unit tests `4d5d96e `__ - fixes `c7aa08f `__ - fix api tests `9e364a4 `__ Refactor ~~~~~~~~ - refactor mixins `fd0037a `__ - refactors omegajobs, made jobs runnable on cluster via runtime `30abee4 `__ - refactored jobs content manager to work with omegastore instead of directly mongodb `6655f54 `__ - refactoring runtime, ensure configuration is always regarding a user `245c96a `__