Working with notebooks ====================== Integrated JupyterLab --------------------- omega-ml comes pre-configured to run with JupyterLab. In this mode, every notebook that you create is automatically stored in the omega-ml :code:`jobs` storage. The advantage is that you can share notebooks instantly with your colleagues - their JupyterLab workspace will show the same notebooks as you have, no matter from where they work. Local JupyterLab ---------------- If you prefer to work within your own JupyterLab environment, you can still use omega-ml to deploy your notebooks and run the on the cloud. This is convenient, for example when you only have a certain budget to run on a CPU. Then you can prepare your notebooks locally and only run them on the GPU when it is ready. In this case you have to store your notebook to :code:`jobs` as follows. See the next section for running it on the cloud. .. code:: python # store a notebook in omegaml $ om jobs put /path/to/notebook.ipynb mynotebook Running notebooks on the cloud ============================== To run the notebook, waiting for its result, and store the result in `jobs/result`, execute the following command: .. code:: bash $ om runtime job mynotebook You may also run the notebook asynchronously, as a background task, as follows. The command will print the task id for later retrieval of the job's result: .. code:: bash $ om runtime job mynotebook --async 77e50b76-b4bb-4411-a407-fa1cf2162f81 $ om runtime result 77e50b76-b4bb-4411-a407-fa1cf2162f81 Retrieving results ------------------ .. code:: bash $ om jobs list results ['mynotebook.ipynb', 'mynotebook2.ipynb', 'results/mynotebook_2020-09-18 13:37:56.885840.ipynb'] We can get it back or view it directly in JupyterLab: .. code:: bash $ om jobs get 'results/mynotebook_2020-09-18 13:37:56.885840.ipynb' mynotebook_results.ipynb