Deploying web applications

Similarly to script modules omega|ml can deploy Flask-based applications using the commercial edition’s apphub component. An example Flask application is provided at hello flask

Deploying a local flask app

$ git clone git+
$ om scripts put ./helloflask/ apps/helloflask
$ om runtime restart apps/helloflask

After a few moments, the application is available at

Deploying a git-based flask app

$ GITURL="git+"
$ om scripts put $GITURL apps/helloflask
$ om runtime restart apps/helloflask

After a few moments, the application is available at

Deploying arbitrary docker images

apphub is able to launch any docker image in a k8s pod, provided the pod serves a http-based web application at a well-defined port (defaults to port 80). This is only supported via the Python API.

appdef = {
    'appdef': {
        'image': 'nginx'
               'apps/myapp', attributes=appdef)

When saved, launch the application:

$ om runtime restart apps/myapp

After a few moments, the application is available at

appdef can contain the following keys. See apphub.OmegaCloudRegistry for details.

'image': the image to be used, defaults to env:APPHUB_POD_IMAGE or omegaml/apphub:latest
'port': the port, defaults to 80
'pullPolicy': defaults to env:APPHUB_POD_PULLPOLICY or IfNotPresent
'pullSecret': defaults to env:APPHUB_POD_PULLSECRET or omegamlee-secreg
'name': the deployment and pod name suffix, defaults to 'apphub'
'configmap': the name of a k8s configmap, defaults to
'deployment_file': defaults to apphub/resources/deployment.yml, must exist in the
    file system of the pod running apphub


To switch between local and git-based deployment, delete the existing script. Otherwise omega-ml will not recognize the changed kind:.

# delete the local-deployed script first, then add the git URL
$ om scripts drop apps/helloflask
$ om scripts put $GITURL apps/helloflask