Using the command-line interface ================================ Open your command line shell to run commands: .. code:: bash $ om Usage: om [] [...] [options] om (models|datasets|scripts|jobs) [...] [--replace] [--csv...] [options] om runtime [...] [--async] [--result] [--param] [options] om cloud [...] [options] om shell [...] [options] om help [] Similar in structure to the Python API the command-line interface provides access to the * storages - access datasets, models, scripts, jobs * runtime - interact with the omega|ml runtime * cloud - managed service configuration and access * shell - the Python shell with omegaml initialized See the respective section in this guide to learn more about the various commands. Getting help ------------ The cli provides built-in help .. code:: bash $ om help Usage: om [] [...] [options] om (models|datasets|scripts|jobs) [...] [--replace] [--csv...] [options] om runtime [...] [--async] [--result] [--param] [options] om cloud [...] [options] om shell [...] [options] om help [] Usage of datasets om datasets list [] [--raw] [-E|--regexp] [options] om datasets put [--replace] [--csv=]... [options] om datasets get [--csv =]... [options] om datasets drop [--force] [options] om datasets metadata [options] Usage of models om models list [] [--raw] [-E|--regexp] [options] om models put om models drop om models metadata Usage of runtime om runtime model [] [] [--result=] [--param=]... [--async] [options] om runtime script [] [...] [--async] [options] om runtime job [] [] [--async] [options] om runtime result [options] om runtime ping [options] om runtime env [] [--file ] [--every] [options] om runtime log [-f] [options] om runtime status [workers|labels|stats] [options] om runtime restart app [options] om runtime [control|inspect|celery] [...] [--worker=] [--queue=] [--celery-help] [--flags ...] [options] Usage of scripts om scripts list [] [--raw] [--hidden] [-E|--regexp] [options] om scripts put [options] om scripts get om scripts drop [options] om scripts metadata Usage of jobs om jobs list [] [--raw] [options] om jobs put [options] om jobs get [options] om jobs drop om jobs metadata [options] om jobs schedule [show|delete|] [options] om jobs status Usage of cloud om cloud login [] [] [options] om cloud config [show] [options] om cloud (add|update|remove) [--specs ] [options] om cloud status [runtime|pods|nodes|storage] [options] om cloud log [--since