Custom development ------------------ Custom development for omega-ml is available for the following extensions: * storage backend & mixins - process and store new data types * model backend - integrate other machine learning frameworks or custom algorithms * runtime mixins & tasks - enable new tasks in the distributed compute-cluster Backends provide the :code:`put,get` semantics to store and retrieve objects where as mixins provide overrides or extensions to existing implementations. Think of a backend as the storage engine for objects a specific data type (e.g. a Pandas Dataframe) while a mixin provide the pre- or post-processing applied to these objects on specific method calls. Semantics +++++++++ Technically, storage and model backends, as well as storage mixins, extend the capability of :code:`OmegaStore`. Runtime mixins and tasks extend the capability of :code:`OmegaRuntime`. :code:`MDataFrame` mixins extend the capability of lazy-evaluation dataframes. A data backend shall adhere to the protocol established by :code:`BaseDataBackend`. Similarly a model backend shall adhere to to the protocol established by the :code:`BaseModelBackend`. Both backend types support the general storage :code:`put,get` semantics to store and retrieve objects, respectively. Model backends in addition provide methods for specific model actions (e.g. *fit* and *predict*), following the semantics of scikit-learn_. .. note:: In principle a backend need not be a subclass of either of the two base backends, however there is some default processing implemented in the base backends :code:`__init__` methods so that sub-classing is the more practical method. Mixins are objects that implement arbitrary methods for their respective target. For example, a mixin for :code:`OmegaStore` may implement a :code:`get` method, extending the store's default implementation. Mixins are applied to their target the same way as a subclass would be.